Coupon of the Week: Pears Soap

This week’s Coupon of the Week is for Pears Soap.

Fresh, clean, and light … this soap is just amazing!  We buy it in our household all the time, even without a coupon.  Gasp  Yes, you heard that right…. without a coupon!  A real shocker around here, but it really is that good!

We always wait for there to be a good sale, and then stock up on several boxes to last until the next great deal on Pears Soap comes along.  This is why we were so delighted to find a $0.50 off coupon on for Pears Soap. This has been our household’s holy grail of coupons for some time.  It’s so nice to see a coupon for this product… finally!

Get your own coupon for $0.50 off Pears Soap today at

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